Söndag 23 februari

3. Showdown at 101

At 10:15, a mean machine comes crusing.
Reflected rays of headlights in the rain.
I was Mohawk Jim and Johnny Joy from Redland
Both packin´knife and shotgun for the fight.

Jack of hearts with Queen of Spades.
Now running down the lane
Hasty Steps on asphalt, Pounding hearts in pain
Jack of Heart and Queen of Spades
Both running out of time
Come Showdown at 101, run my oh baby run.

10:29, the showdown was at hand
In the dusk of evening all´s tense and quiet
We heard that bang, bang, bang, bang sound
Them lovers falling heavy to the ground.

10:31, a mean machine goes cruising
Those lost and wild now running cold with fever
It was Mohawk Jim and Johnny Joy from Redland
Both packin´ knife and shotgun for the fight

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