Söndag 23 februari

3. The wall

In a world so full of wonders, have
you ever come to see / what
separate the others from the likes
of you and me / what evil seed was
planted, and in the silent crescent
tall? / Invisible yet stronger grew
the foundation of the wall

Far above lain brick and stone /
and farther still it grow / far above
but yet not torn / still standing tall
the wall.

With childrens eyes ayearning for
whatever we could find / some-
times we stood just watching,
caught a glimse of the behing /
but what we was and wanted were
not for us to hold / held us back
and held us down did  the powers of
the wall.

Coming from that playground
from my childhood I return / I
know the wall´s still stadning but so
climb I well did learn / yet the
temper of the other side didn´t
comfort me at all / now I´m wath-
ing while I´m waiting for the break-
down of the wall.

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