Söndag 23 februari

10. We don't wanna wait

I hear those upset voices singing loud but out of key.
A choice of stressful people, waisting time on one like me.

We don´t want to wait! We don´t want to wait!
We don´t want to, we don´t want to, we don´t want to wait!

It seems to me they´re passing through this world with such a speed.
Too busy, in a hurry, they´ve forgotten what they need.

Me, I´ll take it easy, take my time to look around.
Who want to miss some good parts, lying waiting to be found.

When everybody´s ready, yeah everyone but my.
You can hear their voices calling, in unity they scream.
They´re  always in a hurry, and they´ve just not learned to wait.
If they could only take it easy, take it easy just like me

Me, I´ll take it easy, take my time to look around.
Who want to miss some good parts, lying waiting to be found.

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